Monday, September 29, 2008

Natural Health Seminar
The Road Map To Optimal Health

A Simple and Natural Approach to the Prevention & Healing of:
· Weight Management
· Viral & Bacterial Infections
· Heart Attacks & Strokes
· Indigestion, Heartburn
· Asthma & Allergies
· Candida & Yeast Infection
· Constipation, Ulcerative Colitis
· Flu, Colds
· High Blood Pressure
· Arthritis
· Osteoporosis
· Hiatal Hernia
· Chronic Urinary Infection
· PMS & Menopause
· Premature Aging
· Diverticulitis
· Prostate Disease
· Insomnia
· Poor Vision
· Memory Loss
· ETC….

Nutritional Needs of the Body
Dangers of the Typical American Diet
Solutions to Natural Health

We are all faced with different health challenges at some point in our lives. Because our health affects every part of our life, we would like to invite you to join us in learning about some of the latest advances in the science of Natural Health and Nutrition.

Saturday Oct 25th 2008
4:00 PM TILL 6:00PM
34 Crosby Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11207

Due to seat limitations
PLEASE R.S.V.P. BY 10-15-08
(917) 696-7341

Sunday, September 28, 2008


The word "knowledge" means that which will bear the test in the light of Truth. Real knowledge is the conscious awareness of the indwelling Father, the certainty that God abides at the center of our being, as perfect health, complete joy, power, wisdom, and goodness, and ready to come forth into manifestation at our bidding. This knowledge is the secret of all power. Ordinarily, in a general sense, the word knowledge merely means the sum-total of facts the mind has perceived and believed. Metaphysically speaking, we can only know that which is true. If we believe that which is false, it may seem to operate as Truth, because "It is done unto us as we believe."

Why OPC-3?

A free radical is an atomic structure with an unpaired electron in its outermost shell. These unpaired electrons tend to be highly reactive, resulting in chemical reactions such as oxidation. Because they have one or more unpaired electrons, free radicals are highly unstable. They scavenge the body to grab or donate electrons, causing damage to cells, proteins and DNA. Free radicals are naturally occurring; however, air pollution, stress, smoking, heavy exercising and aging all contribute to the creation of harmful free radicals. Free radicals can cause oxidative damage to the body, potentially leading to serious health problems. Normally the body is able to protect itself from the damaging effects of free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if free radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur.

Antioxidants are natural cell protectors, neutralizing free radicals by pairing an electron to the outermost shell of radical oxygen molecules, rendering them harmless. Antioxidants are nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and enzymes that are capable of counteracting the damaging, but normal, effects of the physiological process of oxidation in bodily tissues. Antioxidants work in two ways, chain breaking and prevention. A chain-breaking antioxidant such as vitamins A, C and E, stabilize free radicals or cause them to decay into harmless atomic structures. A preventative antioxidant prevents the oxidation process by scavenging free radicals.*

Isotonix® OPC-3® is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, pine bark extracts and citrus extract bioflavonoids, all found to be potent antioxidants. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are bioflavonoids (complex organic plant compounds) found in fruits, vegetables and certain tree barks that provide exceptional nutritional benefits to the human body. Studies have shown OPCs to be up to 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E in neutralizing free radicals. Isotonix OPC-3 contains the only isotonic form of Pycnogenol® in the world. Pycnogenol is a natural plant extract from the bark of the French maritime pine tree, and the most clinically researched and potent bioflavonoid.*

Isotonic, which means “same pressure,” bears the same chemical resemblance of the body’s blood, plasma and tears. All fluids in the body have a certain concentration, referred to as osmotic pressure. The body’s common osmotic pressure, which is isotonic, allows a consistent maintenance of body tissues. In order for a substance to be absorbed and used in the body’s metabolism, it must be transported in an isotonic state.

Isotonix® dietary supplements are delivered in an isotonic solution. This means that the body has less work to do to obtain maximum absorption. The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.

This is the best form known to man to take your supplements. Find OPC-3 at

The Naked Rambler

In London a 46 year old former royal marine is going to walk 874 miles across the country. He is doing it with his girlfriend however they are going to do it naked. This will be his second time doing something of this nature. When asked why he is doing this naked he stated that this is a celebration of him being a human being.The last time he did this he was arrested 14 times and spent 5 months in jail. He goes on to say that his intent is to walk across Britian without harming anyone and that is not against the law.
What is wrong with people. This is what happens when you have way too much time on your hands. What's more disturbing is that someone is as crazy as him, his girlfriend. I definitely support people expressing themselves however this is crossing the line. By walking naked with his girlfriend, this presents serious security issues; unless he is going to have a battalion with him. This is a prime example of what people do to fill a void. He probably wanted to be celebrity of some sort and this is his way of getting attention. They dubbed him 'The Naked Rambler.'
Parents make sure you give your children plenty of attention even when your tired.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden symbolizes man's original state of perfection before he began to have experience. The Tree of Knowledge means the Life Principle, which can be used both ways. It bore the fruit of knowledge of both kinds of experience, good and evil, freedom and limitation. Man must choose which kind of fruit he will eat. The serpent typifies the Life Principle, viewed from the materialistic viewpoint; it casts man from is perfect state through his belief in duality and separation. Man chose to depart from Good, and man alone must choose to return to it. God lets him alone, for he is a free agent and may do as he wills with himself. When a man decides to return to his Father's House, he will find his Father is still there. God's creation is perfect and we must awake to this fact and know that we are now in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Clean Your Colon....Effectively

In today's world there are plenty of talks about being healthy. Everyone is either going green or eating organic or both. Manufacturers are starting to include antioxidants in the drinks. However, I don't hear anyone talking about cleansing the colon. The immune system and the digestive system are intertwined. If your immune system is weak, you probably have poor digestion. Whatever your course of action is to becoming healthy, you must first start with a great cleanse. No I do not mean a laxative or purge.

Market America has always made the promise to provide the most innovative, cutting edge products. The NutriClean System - a colon and liver cleansing system uses exceptional herbs and botanicals to detoxify, cleanse and purify the digestive tract and liver. In providing select nutrients and botanicals, the NutriClean system purges the body of accumulated and potential toxins. This innovative three-step process only requires a week to cleanse your digestive system. NutriClean has helped many people achieve better colon health by providing a cleansing system that helps combat the stress of a poor diet and environmental toxins. The NutriClean System is a powerhouse of herbs, fibers and extracts that offers unparalleled digestive and liver support in a plan that can be customized by individual customers.

The NutriClean System is an excellent cleansing tool that should be used twice a year for optimal digestive, liver and colon health. There are three components to the NutriClean system that work in a team effort to provide a cleansing rejuvenating effect in order to maintain proper digestive health and promote maximum performance from each of these vital systems. To ensure proper health it is beneficial to begin with a clean slate. Market America's NutriClean 7-Day System is a three-pronged approach that works diligently to purify the blood and organs as it simultaneously flushes out the colon and supports the body's natural processes of restoration and cleansing. With three components - HepatoCleanse capsules provide cleansing for the liver, Release tablets cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and enhance peristalsis(the colon's ability to contract) and Fiber Powder provides much needed fiber and good bacteria for the colon. Market America has created a powerful system that can meet everyone's needs. When taken as directed the NutriClean Digestive and Colon Maintenance System can not only provide you with a proactive means to ensure better colon health, but several associated benefits as well.

Some primary benefits are:
  • Helps maintain digestive health
  • Helps cleanse the colon
  • Helps cleanse the colon
  • Promotes colon health
  • Promotes healthy growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon
  • Helps maintain proper levels of intestinal microflora
  • Helps support normal bowel regularity and fecal volume
  • Promotes colon health
  • Promotes healthy growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon
  • Helps maintain proper levels of intestinal microflora
  • Helps support normal bowel regularity and fecal volume
  • Helps maintain balanced bowels
  • Helps relieve occasional constipation
  • Provides fuel for cells lining the small intestine
  • Supports overall health by helping to maintain normal cholesterol levels, helping to maintain normal blood glucose levels and promoting immune health
  • Supports healthy nutrient absorption
  • Promotes liver health
  • Helps to maintain healthy glutathione levels
  • Helps to cleanse and detoxify the liver
  • Helps to cleanse and detoxify the blood
  • Antioxidants
  • Cleanses bowel of harmful substances
  • Promotes normal, healthy bowel movements
  • Promotes a healthy digestive tract

For more information on this product or to purchase please visit

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

There Are No Responsibilities

The Spirit has no responsibilities.
The Spirit knows no want nor fear.
It is complete within Itself, and lives by virtue of Its own Being.
I am Spirit and cannot take on the fears of the world.
My ways are made straight before me.
The pathway of Life is an endless road of Eternal Satisfaction and Perfect Joy.
My Life within me is Complete and Perfect, and has no cares nor burdens.
It is Free Spirit and cannot be bound.
I rejoice in that Freedom.

I rejoice in freedom

The MTA is at it again!

The MTA is planning on budget cuts. The MTA's CFO told the LIRR, Metro North and NYC transit that they need to detail ways to cut 4.5% from the budget in the event the economy deteriorates in the coming years. Instead of targeting low-level employees, the agencies mentioned were urged to look at management level budget cuts. There may be a backlash because budget cuts equal service cuts says the MTA. Furthermore an approved option is to begin charging the NYPD, FDNY, and other agencies for use of the E-Z pass. Officials stated that there is no low preventing city agencies from being charged. However the FDNY objects saying that they do not want to be caught at a crossroad where there deciding to pay a $3M bill vs. getting new equipment to do the job better. I am a firm believer in using mass transportation. Mass transportation is my lifeline. More people should use the subway and bus system especially if they live in Manhattan.
I really don't understand why every few quarters the MTA decides they need to talk about the budget. With over one million people riding the subway per day at $2 per ride that $2M per day. And that's probably the minimum. Since the MTA is a private entity I look at it as corporate fat cats getting hungry. Although in this particular story they are planning budget cuts, the service will ultimately be affected. In addition the MTA is $27B in debt. How could a company in such debt continue to pay their corporate employees high salaries with raises and bonuses?
I think the state should subpoena the MTA's documents and audit them. The fare continues to go up while service quality goes down.

Being Single

Being single is the best. I was watching a morning show one day last week and one of the topics was being single over 35, in particular women. I couldn't figure out why in this day of the independent woman is this still a conversation. One of the biggest gripes single women over 35 receive is if their single at this age something is wrong with them. In addition to addressing other issues, on the other side of the coin, I am a male and I love being single. I am 28 years old. I only lived quarter of a century, why would I want to tie myself down to someone for the next 60+ years. That is ridiculous. I feel too many people are getting hitched at an early age in part because they fear of being by themselves after a certain age. This reason is, in my opinion, one of the chief reasons the divorce rate is almost 50%. In no way am I opposed to marriage, however, I feel the majority of people should wait.
The dating game has its advantages. For one it is fun. Number two, you get to interact with different types of people on a more personal level. This will serve great purpose when deciding what kind of person your willing to spend the rest of your life with. In our twenties we really don't know who we are. The majority of people don't love themselves. We must achieve both for a marriage to sustain longevity.
It seems people are afraid of aging. I am looking forward to my thirties and forties where I don't have to answer to anyone. I may come and go as I please. I don't understand what people are afraid of. There will always be single people for every age bracket. Relationships are not easy. Some people would argue that the journey one takes through life with someone is a benefit of marriage. That's great, however, the majority of people need to better equipped for marriage.
My advice for people is to continue to date. Enjoy the ups and downs that come with being in short-term and long-term relationships. Life is an experience. Their is nothing sexier than a person who is confident, for the right reasons, and intelligent.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Fear No Evil

"I will fear no evil, for Thou are with me."
I will not be afraid, for the All Good is constantly with me and is always near at hand to guide and comfort.
There is no evil in the Truth, and no power of darkness to hinder the Light from shining.
I will not be afraid, for there is One within Who protects and keeps me from all harm

I fear no evil.

The Dawn Has Come

Out of the darkness of the long night the Dawn has come.
I rise to meet the new day, filled with confidence and strength.
I arise and go forth into the dawn, inspired and refreshed by the Living Spirit within me.
O Day, you shall never die; the sun shall never set upon your perfect glory.
For the Lamp of the Soul has been re-kindled with the oil of Faith,
And Love has cleansed the windows of Life with the spirit of gladness.
They shall nevermore grow dim with fear, for Perfect Love casteth out all fear.
I am renewed in strength through knowing Good.

My light has come.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Come, and Let Me Heal You

Come and I will heal you.
The inner power of Life within me is God,
And God has all power.
I will heal and help all who come to me.
I know that the realization of Life and Love within me heals all
who come into Its presence.
I silently bless all who enter my atmosphere.
It is not I, but the Father Who dwelleth in me, He doeth the works.

I heal all who come near me

One-to-One Marketing

Approximately every 10-20 years a new marketing system emerges as a better way of distributing products to the end consumer. To be successful you need to identify a trend and position yourself to lead the parade. Imagine all the people who knew about Microsoft and wished they had bought Microsoft stock before the company blew up. They identified the new trend but did not act on it. Those who did were overnight millionaires.
In the 1930's there was direct selling. People came to your door to sell their merchandise. The 1940's saw the birth of franchising. Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's, saw designed a new business model to deliver products to to end consumer. In the 1950's there was the birth of multi-level marketing/network marketing. People who joined in the beginning made millions, unfortunately, that is not possible now. In the 1960's there was catalogs. Who would have thought that people would buy a product that they can't feel or touch. Today it is a billion dollar industry. In the 1970's there was direct mail. This worked then and still does now. Again...billion dollar business.
The 1980's saw the emergence of infomercials and direct response. People can't sit still for a 30 second commercial much less an hour infomercial. Ever heard of HSN and QVC, today they are billion dollar businesses. The 1990's ushered in the Internet and e-commerce age which has been growing exponentially ever since.
In the 2000's one-to-one marketing was born. We are creating the economy of the future. It is a new paradigm. Through one-to-one marketing you are building shares of customers: providing a greater variety of products to a small portfolio of customers. We match people to products and products to people; we give customers exactly what they want. With one-to-one marketing you can take advantage of the information age via the Internet and the baby boomer population seeking the latest trends in anti-aging technology. Market America will be to one-to-one marketing what McDonald's is to franchising and what Microsoft is to computerization.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Market America

With all the research I've done on Market America, I forget to mention a few notes about it. Market America is based Greensboro, North Carolina. The company was founded in 1992 by a genius named J.R. Ridinger. Its mission is to provide a system for entrepreneurs to create an ongoing stream of income, while providing consumers worldwide with a better way to shop. Through evolutionary technology and the power of people, they are creating the economy of the future. This is big, they provide a system for entrepreneurs to create an ongoing stream of income. What other company has that in their mission statement. They a Product Brokerage and Internet Marketing company that specializes in One-to-One Marketing. In addition they are financially strong with experienced leadership. The same corporate team that started the company in 1992 are still in place. WOW!! They have a proven record of success with not a single quarter to date without growth.
With more than 3 million customers and 180,000 distributors and UnFranchise Owners worldwide, Market America has generated over $2.5 billion in accumulated retail sales, and individuals have earned over $1.6 billion in commissions and retail profits. The company employs over 500 people globally with international operations in the United States, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Through One-to-One Marketing, Market America combines the Internet with the power of people-creating the ultimate online destination. As a result, we have revolutionized a brand-new industry, setting a standard by which all other businesses are measured. Their slogan is built on product powered by people.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bottled Water

There are six primary bottled-water types. They are as follows:
· Artesian water – Artesian water comes from an artesian well. It draws water from an underground, porous rock or sand formation that produces water. The water is under pressure from a layer of rock or clay. This pressure then forces the water up to the surface.
· Mineral water – Mineral water is spring water that has minerals in it. Minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium must be present. They must originate at the source and not added at a later date.
· Naturally sparkling water – Naturally sparkling water comes from a spring well with natural carbonation in it. The carbonation may be removed during processing and then put back.
· Purified water – Purified drinking water comes from either a protected underground source or from public tap water. The water is de-mineralized.
· Spring Water – Spring water comes from a protected, underground water source. This water flows to the surface on its own. It may be collected either at the surface or through a protected hole drilled directly into the source feeding the spring.
· Well water – Well water is drawn from a protected well that taps directly into an unconfined aquifier.
Aquafina and Dasani, the two top-selling brands are purified-drinking water. Poland Spring is spring water. Evian is mineral water and Perrier is sparkling mineral water. Knowing the type of water will also yield its source and the treatment process it undergoes.

Monday, September 15, 2008

UnFranchise vs. Franchise

So has anyone heard of a business system called the UnFranchise. Neither have I when I was first approached in April. Through research I have found that for the new millennium owning an UnFranchise is the way to go. The first thing that jumps out to me is the name. The name implies that it is not like a franchise. Turns out, that's it. It is like a franchise and at the same time unlike franchise.
The most successful independent business system is the franchise system. Over the past decade there has been an explosion in franchise businesses. Why? Franchises have proven to be a successful business plan. It contains systematization, standardization, and uniformity. These are the chief reasons why people invest in franchises. Let's look at McDonald's. Whenever you go into one of their restaurants everything is the same; from the management system to the food. This allows customers to go from state to state and enjoy the same product they do as if they were at home. Some franchises contain state of the art management systems. They all, however, have merchandising and marketing tools and growing visibility. To maximize one's profits you are able to own more than one business location. Last but not least, they all have standardized training systems. While the advantages are clear and promising, lets look at the UnFranchise business.
As I said earlier it is like a franchise but unlike a franchise at the same time. It is definitely like a franchise with same systematization, standardization and growing visibility. However there are no franchising fees and no monthly royalties. Folks this is big. The last time I checked Subways and McDonald's have to pay 10 to 20 percent of their monthly gross retail profit. That is a form of extortion. With the UnFranchise business there are no territorial restrictions. Have you ever seen a McDonald's or Subway on the same block? And even if it were possible they would be in competition with one another. The UnFranchise business system allows you to own multiple locations without interfering with one another. In fact each location or business center helps the other location generate money. How cool is that.
This system was designed for the average person to do. There is minimal start up expense compared to the millions of dollars needed for a franchise. As a result there is minimal risk. For those of you out there who want to end up in the top five percent at age 65 (see blog 45 yr plan) check out the UnFranchise business system.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

We Are Leading The Green Movement

With the realization that many of the household items we use everyday are contributing to global warming, the paradigm is rapidly shifting and many consumers (and businesses) are changing their buying and selling habits in an effort to be more eco-friendly. Did you know that Market America has been at the cusp of the green movement since the beginning? Over the past 15 years, we have been offering products that are environmentally-friendly, from products that keep your body healthy, clean your house and filter your water.
Consider this, Snap™ and GlobalCare™ products are made with biodegradable, phosphate free ingredients. High concentrations of phosphates in surface waters raise the growth of phosphate-dependent organisms, such as algae and duckweed. These organisms use great amounts of oxygen and prevent sunlight from entering the water making life difficult for other organisms. Snap and GlobalCare products have always been phosphate-free, so without even knowing it, you have been helping to reduce the effects of phosphates in the environment by simply choosing to use Snap and GlobalCare.
Most plastic bottles — nearly 25 billion bottles per year — despite being recyclable, will end up in a landfill. Using PureH2O™ Water Filtration Products help to reduce the waste generated from plastic bottles. By filtering the water out of your tap with the PureH2O Countertop Water Filter and grabbing your PureH2O Sports Bottle, you can dramatically decrease the amount of bottles that end up in a landfill, and do this at a fraction of the cost of bottled water.Go Green (or stay Green) with Market America! Market America has a list of products that you can use on a daily basis to reduce your carbon foot print, one step at a time. Visit
Also, don't forget to recycle all your bottles - if they end up in a landfill, they are only contributing to waste build-up in our environment. Check with your city or town on how to recycle your plastic goods

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The pH scale

Ladies and Gentlemen do I have a treat for you. As I have said in my blogs that I have been looking at this company called Market America. They provide exclusive products in the fields ranging from auto care to health and nutrition. They also provide a legitimate proven business plan. This weekend some local coordinators of Market America in Long Island, put together a two day natural health seminar. And of course I attended. The keynote speaker was Dr. Sheryl Duchess. To know more about Dr. Duchess and her achievements, visit her site at
The statistics of people with degenerate diseases are staggering in this country. Some 50% of African Americans have diabetes. 1 in 8 people have colon cancer. 10M people in 2000 had osteoporosis. These are just to name a few. Believe it or not these diseases are caused by the foods we eat. Toxic foods translate to an unhealthy digestive system which in turn damages your immune system. People, we need to wake up.
In addition to talking about the digestive and immune system and how they are interwoven, Dr. Duchess talked about the pH scale. The pH scale is what she uses to diagnose and ultimately treat her patients. It is essential to life. The pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline (basic) a substance is. The scale ranges from 0-14 with 0 being too acidic and 14 being too alkaline or basic. In either case it is certain death. The goal is to maintain your pH between 6.8 and 7.3. Your pH goes out of whack for the following reasons: a high protein diet, high levels of stress, diseases ie. diabetes, high amounts of sugar and eating highly processed foods.
Your body goes through what is called buffer depletion. This is the body's ability to neutralize acid. The body neutralizes acid by pulling calcium from your bones and magnesium. So you see if you are acidic you are at risk for osteoporosis. There are four stages of buffer depletion. They are as follows.
Stage 1-Saliva alkaline and urine alkaline
Stage 2-Saliva alkaline and urine acidic
Stage 3-Saliva acidic and urine alkaline (Bed ridden)
Stage 4-Saliva acidic and urine acidic (DEATH)
The answer to a healthy pH is eating 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods. Many of us do the opposite. In addition to "eating healthy," we need to supplement with nutraceuticals. The best nutraceuticals on the planet is in the isotonix form. Visit to find more information on isotonix nutraceuticals.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Protect Your Bones with Calcium

This is an article that I found on Market America's website. I thought I would share it with my classmates.

Many people try a lot of different supplements in their lifetime. It could just be a new fad that they saw on an infomercial early on a Sunday morning or a best friend who is raving about a new product they read about in a magazine. People will spend a lot of money on something they saw advertised just because they were easily persuaded by the marketing ideas. The key is actually getting someone to try a product and stick with it without giving up after the first month of taking it. But there are some supplements currently on the market that have been backed up by numerous studies to give people a sense that it actually works.One of my favorite supplements that I have taken for years was calcium. I can remember my mother telling me, “If I only knew then what I knew now is how important calcium is.” Calcium supports skeletal health and healthy teeth and gums. Also, many studies suggest that taking a calcium supplement regularly can help prevent osteoporosis. The daily recommended allowance for calcium for men and women ages 19 - 50 years is 1000 mg and 1200 mg for those over the age of 51. Usually, diet just isn’t enough - you can eat a container of yogurt a day and also drink a glass of milk, but it just isn’t enough calcium.
Supplemental calcium can provide an added benefit to almost anyone’s diet. So which calcium supplement should you take? I suggest all adults over the age of 18 take Isotonix® Calcium Plus. If you have read my recent blogs, you know how I rave about Isotonix. Isotonix Calcium Plus is a convenient way to get your supplemental calcium in your diet. Its powerful absorption over a tablet guarantees superior bio availability. Most calcium supplements require you to take at least 3-6 tablets per day to get 1000-1200mg a day. Who has time to take that many large tablets when you get almost 1200mg in just three capfuls of Isotonix Calcium Plus? Sounds easy to me!

What are we curious about?

On Tuesday in English class we were assigned an in-class exercise. We were told each to list ten things that we were curious about. Although this exercise sounds simple it turned out to be quite challenging. We all ponder about trivial things that we come across in day to day routine, but to actually put solid topics of curiousity on paper was different. After struggling with this list for several minutes I finally completed it.
A few people, including myself, volunteered to say our list aloud. As we went around the room some people had really intriguing and complex topics. One of the good ones were how many of the fortune 500 company CEO's do not have college degrees. Another one was are there really vitamins in the Vitamin Water drink. On the complex side someone wondered about the LHC experiment and it's potential findings. Then it was my turn.
In addition to building this list we also had to justify or explain why we are curious about these topics. The professor brought up a good topic which I took on. "People who work on television only on the weekends, what do they do during the week?" The following is the rest of my list: Is the blood in the body really blue? What is the psychology of gentlemen who wear their pants below their knees on a daily basis? It is of special interest to me because I see this on a daily basis. Why do 1% of the super rich control 90% of the Americans and why doesn't the 90% do something to change this. This one was generated while watching a documentary.
Where does bottle water come from? In the new millennium how is marijuana manufactured? Why is the divorce rate in America almost 50%? Well we ever clone a human?
I see how many of the world's great inventions and discoveries came about.......being curious.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Large Hadron Collider

Yesterday in class we were assigned to write a list of at least ten topics that we are curious about. One student in particular mentioned the topic of the LHC experiment. I was thinking the same thing as you are. What? Then another student mentioned it as well. I think it was fair to say that I should know a little bit about it as well. It seemed as if the Gods were listening. When I got home and settled down, I turned on the television and low and behold History channel was doing a documentary about the LHC experiment. I think they are about to test it today, that would explain the hoopla about it.
This experiment is over 15 years old. It was designed and is maintained by some of the great minds in the fields ranging from electronics to physics. From what I understand the experiment is designed to simulate what happened at the precise moment of the Big Bang. Scientists from the beginning of time pondered how the universe started and what did it look like. If this experiment is successful, it will give us insight about dark matter and more information about the atom. There are many other conclusions that can be drawn from the collision of particles.
What I find amazing is that they will be able to tell what most likely happened at the first nano second in time. Some theorize that an object may have occupied two spaces at the same time. However what is paramount for me is that we will be able to tell how humans and animals became in existence. That is awesome, to potentially know how atoms combined to form organs and our nervous system.
What is also astonishing to see is the power of the Almighty. The Almighty knows and is everything yet is not selfish. We have been given the power to discover everything. You would think that we would be satisfied with reaching and exploring outer space. But like a true intellect who is always searching for more, we continue to push the limit. That is what is great about mankind.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Product Brokerage?

So like I stated in my recent posts, I've been looking into this company called Market America. They're a home based business that provides a legitimate plan B. I recently went to one of their meetings to see their business presentation live. They talked about many things but one topic that stuck with me is they claim to be a product brokerage company. Now I have to be honest and say that I've never heard of this term. So despite what they told me I looked it up on the Internet.
As I was searching out the term product brokerage one thing became clear......this is relatively a new concept. Many of our nations big chain retail stores are product brokers. Product brokers are business or people that move a manufactured product to the end consumer. However these business do not manufacture these products. Now why would a company that manufactures a superior product use a "middle man" to move its products?
For example lets use Dell. Dell computers and other products are everywhere. They use product brokers to move their merchandise. By using product brokers they eliminate the burden that comes with owning and operating a brick and mortar store front. Huge expenses like employees and utilities are erased because there is no store.
However, being a product broker yields more profit. As a product broker immediately you save money because you do not manufacture a single product. This allows you to use more funds which results in superior researching and quality assurance. One chief objective of a product broker is to identify the latest market-driven products. Which in turn allows you to move with the marketplace. As a result, you will never go out of business. Let me say that again, YOU WILL NEVER GO OUT OF BUSINESS. Another great attribute is that you do not rely solely on the sales of any one product or service.
Some example of product brokers are Best Buy and Home Depot. They are successful in part because they own most of their retail buildings, but more so because they don't manufacture anything. If a particular product is not doing well or has quality assurance issues, they simply send everything back to the manufacturer at no cost to them.
Now I see why Market America and its independent distributors are so happy at these meetings. How good the feeling must be to know before hand that you as a company will never go out of business.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Earning Additional Income

Who wants to earn additional income? We all do right? That is why I did a brief search to find out what are some legitimate ways to earn additional income. I really don't want to see my family through a plexi glass window for the rest of my life so I figured that I'd do some research. Come on let's be real with ourselves if you are not earning the equivalent of two incomes, chances are we are living paycheck to paycheck.
So what are some of the options? We can work more hours. This may actually work assuming you don't have children or a needy spouse. However we all know the more you make the more they take especially when your receiving time and a half for the overtime.
We can get a second job. It is a fact that 50% of Americans are unsatisfied with their job. I don't know if a second job could change that. You may also own your business, one of which may include franchising. Franchisng has emerged as a great way to establish yourself however the large start up costs are staggering coupled with territorial restrictions. Some other options include investments, inheritance, going back to school and of course hitting the lottery.
How many us, including yourself, know someone who is going to inherit a fortune........enough said. Making investments may include going back to school. All of these ideas are great and have awesome potential. What is becoming a nationwide phenomenon is owning your own business. Finding the correct marketplace requires some research; and to actually go into that particular marketplace requires courage and belief.
Ladies and gentlemen I have found the answer. Could you imagine owning your own UnFranchise business? What? That's right, UnFranchise business. Could you imagine owning a mall without the walls. WOW!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The 45 year plan

The Internet is simultaneously a wonderful and intriguing place. One can go in and find what ever knowledge they're seeking. At the same rate one can find new information that may challenge current ways of thinking. While surfing the internet one day I came across startling information. So shocked was I that I thought I would have been arrested for finding what I found. It was called the 45 year Plan.
My search initially begun with looking for a Plan B. In particular, a lucrative home-based business that really works and can be done by people with busy schedules. As I was searching I came across a company called Market America. I have never heard of them before so I had my doubts. However, one topic that they are proud to discuss and dispell is the 45-year plan. Now I'm used to terms like short and long term goals but this 45 year plan had a new tone to it. They call it the 45 year plan because most of us graduate college by the age of 25 and work for 20 or more years. So we've planned for 45 years to retire by the age of 60 or so.
The social security administration does a survey of 100 people, give or take, at the age of 65. The object is to see what percentage of the people are rich or financially fit at the age of 65 regardless of class and race.
I invite everyone to take a seat because these statistics will challenge your current retirement plans. What the administration found was that of the 100 people at age 65 only 1% are rich and 4% are financially fit. Rich is considered to be earning $300,000 and up in residual income after you've stopped working. Financially fit is considered to be earning between $100,000 and $300,000 in residual income after you've stopped working. In addition, of that 5%, 3 out of 4 people reach this status by owning their own business. We all know that 5% percent of our population is relatively small.
Now the following applies to most of us. Of those 100 people at age 65 an additional 5% percent are still working. These are the elderly people at wal-mart and mcdonalds just to name a few. Furthermore, 28% are dead and 65% are flat broke. This is crazy. 28% don't even make it to 66 regardless of their financial status and 65% are flat broke. That is the majority. Flat broke would be considered living payceck to paycheck, earning less than $10,000 per/yr, and/or can't write a check for $300. Do we know anyone that falls in this catagory and do you want to end up in this category?
So with a little math we've come to the conclusion that 95% of us work a 45 year plan to make the other 5% percent suceessful. So while Bil Gates is on the golf course his employees are going back and forth from home to work and vice versa to make him sucessful.
Armed with this new information I was able to make major adjustments in my future plans. I actually gave Market America a closer look because they offer a better way. A 2-3 year plan that one can do alongside the 45 year plan. It is a plan for our own financial sucess!!